Async not running on sp80adit
Testcase to make sure async works for each case
Processing work packages
Create new sales order, add a product and complete
- go to async window and check the new ones
- => they are all process (or processing - after a while are processed)
- => you get workpackages for invoice candidates, shipment schedule, storage, doc outbound, mrp and fact acct
- => ShipmentSchedule and invoice candidates are created and updated ok. Archive also created (for order)
go to lieferdispo and create inout from gear, complete it
- go to async window and check the new ones
- => they are all process (or processing - after a while are processed)
- => you get workpackages for invoice candidates, shipment schedule, storage, doc outbound, mrp, inout and fact acct
- => Inout and invoice candidates are created and updated ok. Archive also created (for inout). Document is posted
go to invoice candidates and create invoice
- go to async window and check the new ones
- => they are all process (or processing - after a while are processed)
- => you get workpackages for invoice candidates, shipment schedule, doc outbound, bp statistics and fact acct
- => invoice is created and updated ok. Archive also created (for invoice). Invoice candidates updated. Document is posted
repeat the same case for purchase order
- Create inout from wareneingang pos and invoice from invoice candidates
- => works the same: all workpackages are created and processed (instead of shipment schedule workpackages there are receipt schedules)
- => inout, invoice and archives are created ok, document are posted
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