Testcase to check how the printing performance is displayed in its KPI.
Make sure you have the correct Setup for printing in Preferences:
Check the AD_Printer_Config for your Hostkey
Select a sales or purchase inout, note its ID, and press Print (NOT print preview!), note the time until the print is done (=> when the PDF opens or the printer starts printing)
In pgAdmin, run
select *
from RV_InOut_PrintingTime
where xxx -- ID of your inout
AND PrintingQueueCreated >= ArchiveCreated
M_InOut_ID | starttime (Example) | FromPrintJobInstructionToEnd |
inout ID | 2016-06-09 10:34:59+02 | 13 |
Do printing and checking in pgAdmin for a purchase inout as well
Open e.g. Wareneingang POS, and select an orderline in a warehouse
Open the HU Editor, select an HU, and print e.g. Wareneingangsetikett, note the time until the print is done (=> when the PDF opens or the printer starts printing)
In pgAdmin, run
select *
from RV_Etikett_PrintingTime
where PrintingQueueCreated >= ArchiveCreated
starttime (Example) | FromPrintJobInstructionToEnd |
2016-06-09 10:44:06+02 | 9 |