Testcase to check if sales orders are correctly created as counter documents for purchase orders including packaging.
Set Up
Log in as Admin, for Org I (you should be able to make changes for both Org I & II as Admin!)
Make sure that G000I = Org I, and has IsVendor=Y set in bpartner
Also make sure that the vendor pricelist VP is used for G000I as vendor
Make sure that G00II = Org II, and has IsCustomer=Y set in bpartner
Also make sure that the customer pricelist CP is used for G00II as customer
Open Document Type, select type Bestellung (Purchase Order)
Open type Standardauftrag (Sales Order)
Open Counter Document
Open Product, search for P0002, and create a CU-TU Allocation (M_HU_PI_Item_Product) in the 2nd tab:
In tab Business Partner, create a new entry:
In 1st tab, press Gear, create a product mapping (M_Product_Create_Mappings_Process):
In Product, search for TU B, press Gear, create a product mapping (M_Product_Create_Mappings_Process):
In pricelist VP, make sure you have
Open Product, search for P0001, and create a CU-TU Allocation (M_HU_PI_Item_Product) in the 2nd tab:
In tab Business Partner, create a new entry:
Check tab Allocated Product
In pricelist CP, make sure you have
Log in with Org II, a role != Admin (e.g. Handel)
Open Bestellung, select G000I as vendor
In Product, select P0002
Set a qty for TU, enter, and complete the Bestellung
Log in with Org I, e.g. as Admin
Check window Auftrag, search for newly created ones