Testcase to check if the window header has different colours set for each Org.
Log in for Org I, Org II and Org * (as Admin), in different sessions / workspaces
In e.g. Org I, open System Configurator (AD_SysConfig), and search for name %UI_WindowHeader_Notice%
Play with the colours of UI_WindowHeader_Notice_BG_Color:
code | colour |
#ff0000 | red |
#00ff00 | green |
#0000ff | blue |
#ffff00 | yellow |
#ffffff | white |
#000000 | black |
Log out and in again for each Org
Play with the colours of UI_WindowHeader_Notice_FR_Color:
code | colour |
#ff0000 | red |
#00ff00 | green |
#0000ff | blue |
#ffff00 | yellow |
#ffffff | white |
#000000 | black |
Log out and in again for each Org
Set different texts for each Org in UI_WindowHeader_Notice_Text, log out and in again
Inactivate UI_WindowHeader_Notice_FG_Color and UI_WindowHeader_Notice_BG_Color for Org I, but leave UI_WindowHeader_Notice_Text
Check the colour set in UI_WindowHeader_Notice_BG_Color, for AD_Org * and AD_Client Org I
Log out and in again for Org I