Testcase to check if login with and without properties file works fine
open application with your current config
* => application opens, no errors
- delete your properties file and open the application again
- => the popup with license appears
- press ok
- => server connection (MyAppsServer, MyDataBase etc), buttons are red
- add the correct server, press ok
- => button gets green, database name is updated, no errors
- press on the red button to test database
- => button gets green, no errors
- press ok twice
- => popup with user, password, client and org appears. Then application opens fine, without errors
logout, remove the properties file
- login again, write wrong data to server and database, press ok
- => you cannot login. error message pops up
- press on x, run the application agan
- => the wrong configs were not remembered
- set the right config, press ok
- => application opens fine, without errors
- logout and login again
- => config is set to the right one and application opens without the need to change it
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