Error creating manual DD_Order
Testcase to check manual Distribution Orders
can be created without errors.
Open Distribution Order
- Press New, and set Distribution Order in DocType
Set bpartner, Transit Warehouse etc. save
- Add one or more movement lines, select products, qties, packing instructions, warehouses etc., save
- => no errors
- => qty product is calculated directly when qty TU is set etc.
- Complete the order, and create the movements with Bereitstellung POS
- => qties, warehouses and packing instructions are displayed in Bereitstellung POS as set in Distribution Order
- Go back to Distribution Order
- => qty moved in Bereitstellung is displayed correctly as Gelieferte Menge in movement line
- => if the whole qty was moved, then Zugestellt is checked in movement line
Open Material Receipt, create a new one with DocType Produktanlieferung
- Set G000X as vendor, (set a warehouse), save
- => address of G000X is set automatically
- => if a default contact is set for G000X, it is taken as well; if several are set, you can select them
- Change vendor to G000Y
- => address is updated to the one of G000Y
Open Shipment, create a new one with DocType Lieferschein
- Set G000Y as customer, (set a warehouse), save
- => address of G000X is set automatically
- => if a default contact is set for G000X, it is taken as well; if several are set, you can select them
- Change customer to G000Y
- => address is updated to the one of G000Y
- In order, set the doc no. of an existing sales order of G000X, enter
- => G000X is set as customer
- => address is updated to the one of G000X
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