Improve our missing-counterdocs-view
Testcase to check the improvement of the
missing counter documents window.
- Open missing counter docs window
- => now called Missing Counter Documents (Fehlender/Unvollständiger Gegenbeleg)
- => no data, if there are no documents with missing counter ones from day of test
- Search for older data
- => new fields: Erstellt & Aktualisiert with the resp. dates, Belegstatus with the doc status
Close the window afterwards
Create a document where the counter doc is missing (check IT FRESH-465 for that)
- Open the missing counter docs window again
- => only the new document from day of test is shown
- Create an order with org1 as org AND as bpartner, complete
- In missing counter docs window, refresh
- => order you created last is not displayed
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