When creating a new organization, don’t create org access for System role
Testcase to check if a newly created org has no access for the System role
New organization has no access to the System Role
- New organization has no access to the System Role
- Login with ClientX
- Create a new Organization (OrgX), save it
- Restart the application (as required by an information message that you get after saving the new Organization)
- Go to window Role
- Select the System Role entry (it is read-only)
- Go to the tab Org Access
- => OK: The newly created org is not in the list
- New organization has access to the roles of it’s own client
* Login with ClientX
- Make sure the OrgX still exists. Otherwise, follow steps from Testcase 1 to create it
- Go to window Role
- Create an advanced search with 3 conditions:
- Client = ClientX
- Active = ‘Y’
- Manual = ‘N’
- For each of the found roles, go to the Org Access tab
- => OK: OrgX is in all the lists