Testcase to check if the notification for MFGWarehouse Report still works fine.
Select a warehouse (e.g. X), set TestUser as person in charge
- In User, set:
- => for TestUser: Betreuer benachrichtigen
- => Betreuer for TestUser: SuperUser
- => SuperUser: Notification in Status Bar / Email
Make sure your own email is set as debug mail, so you will receive any emails sent!
- In SysConfig, search for the settings for printing problems (C_Print_Job_Instructions.NotifyPrintReceiver):
- => set notification in case of printing problems = Y
- => for the time after which the system will check the printing success: >0 for both
Make sure you have a printer selected, but there is no printer connected so you can’t print, and always Print Preview is not checked in Settings
Search for a product which is produced in the warehouse X
Create and complete a sales order for that product (logged in as SuperUser)
- Check the MFGWarehouse Report for this sales order (in Bestellkontrolle), check in printing info and printing queue
- => status in printing queue should be waiting for print
- Check the notification status
- => notification for the MFGWarehouse Report waiting for print, for which order:
Der Status steht seit mindestens 5 Sekunden auf Wartet auf druck. Auftrag : XY, Bestellkontrolle : XYZ.
- Check your emails
- => email was sent with the same info
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