Testcase to check if new filter in Konten-Info Report
“Nur leere Kostenstelle anzeigen” works correctly.
- Open report Konten-Information
- => new Filter Nur leere Kostenstelle anzeigen
Select an account which ususally has a lot of data and Kostenstelle set (e.g. 1200)
Set start & end date
- Leave Kostenstelle empty, run report
- => all data for your account and the dates set, with all Kostenstellen and with Kostenstelle empty
- Run report again, with same account and dates, select a Kostenstelle in filters (e.g. 1000)
- => checkbox for Nur leere Kostenstelle anzeigen becomes read-only
- => only data with the selected Kostenstelle is included in the report
- Run report again, with same account and dates, set the filter for Nur leere Kostenstelle anzeigen
- => filter for Kostenstelle becomes read-only
- => only data with Kostenstelle empty is included in the report
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