Washproble Multiple Flatrates
Create a material tracking for G0001, P0001
Set a flatrate term for it (create one if it doesn’t exist)
Create a Purchase order for partner G0001, P0001, TU1, WH1, Qty > 500
Set the material tracking and parzelle above into the order line’s ASI
Complete the order
GO to Wareneingang POS, select your receipt schedule
Move to WH2
Select everything, select washprobe
Select everything, OK
Open Produktion Fertigstellungs POS, select WH2, select the slot of your manufacturing order
Perform Zuteilung (Action Issue) for all the TUs
Perform Empfang (Action Receipt) for each of the products: P0002, P0003, P0004
Close the manufacturing order
Go to the created invoice candidates
Regression: Invoicing for partner with Gebinde flatrate - SO part
Create a sales order for partner G0002, P0005 on TU2
Complete the order, go to the created shipment schedule
Create a shipment out of it, complete the shipment
Check the created invoice candidates
5.Create an invoice out of the linked invoice candidates * => OK: Invoice only for the product line
Regression: Invoicing for partner with Gebinde flatrate - PO part
Create a purchase order for partner G0002, P0005 on TU2
Complete the order
Go to Wareneingang POS, to the created receipt schedule
Select all, OK
Go to created Receipt