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Product appears twice in invoice print preview

Two reference numbers -> same invoice line

  1. Make sure the partner G0001 has consolidation for shipment sllowed flag on true;

  2. Create a sales order for G0001, reference Ref1;

  3. Create a line for product P0001, qty 40, make sute it has a price set;

  4. Complete the order;

  5. Create another sales order for G0001, reference Ref2;

  6. Create a line for product P0002, qty 5, make sure it has a price set;

  7. Complete the order;

  8. Go to the Shipment schedule window and create a selection for the orders above;

  9. Create a Shipment out of both shipment schedules, without completing it
  10. Go to the created shipment, to the line of P0002 and set its qty to 0;

  11. Complete the shipment;

  12. Go back to the shipment schedule selection, create a shipment again, with Complete
  13. Go to the Invoice Candidates window ;

  14. Create a filter for the orders above;

  15. Create an invoice out of the selection
  16. Press print preview for this invoice:

Same product from different inout lines -> same invoice line

  1. Make sure the partner G0002 has invoice aggregation per PO_Reference;

  2. Create a sales order for G0002, reference Ref3;

  3. Create a line for product P0003, qty 40, make sute it has a price set;

  4. Complete the order;

  5. Go to the created shipment schedule;

  6. Create a shipment out of the shipment schedule without completing;

  7. Go to the newly created shipment and override the qty to only 20;
  8. Complete the inout;

  9. Go back to the shipment schedule which is now updated to only deliver qty 20;

  10. Create a shipment out of the shipment schedule above, complete it;

  11. Go to invoice candidates, create a selection for the order

  12. Create an invoice out of the selected invoice candidates

  13. Go to the created invoice
  14. Press Print Preview

Same product from different inout lines -> different invoice lines

  1. Create a sales order for G0002, reference Ref4;

  2. Create a line for product P0003, qty 20, make sute it has a price set;

  3. Complete the order;

  4. Go to the created shipment schedule;

  5. Create a shipment out of the shipment schedule with completing;

  6. Create another sales order for G0002, reference Ref4;

  7. Create a line for product P0003, qty 20, make sute it has the same price set;

  8. Complete the order;

  9. Go to the created shipment schedule;

  10. Create a shipment out of the shipment schedule with completing;

  11. Go to invoice candidates, create a selection for both the orders

  12. Create an invoice out of the selected invoice candidates

  13. Go to the created invoice
  14. Press Print Preview

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