#226 show accounting currency in open items report
Testcase to check if accounting currency is shown in open items report correctly.
Check currency rate: you should have a conversion rate != 1.0 for EUR to CHF, for Currency Type: Company (used for invoices), e.g. 1.1
Open the Open Items report, (filters: sales transaction checked!) check for G000X, and leave it open for comparison
Create a customer invoice, use customer pricelist CP (amt. e.g. 100 EUR)
- Check the rate in the invoice by clicking Posted, and in Enter Query, check Display Source Info, then refresh
- => currency rate used for the posting is displayed, 1.1
- Run the Open Items report again, check for G000X (at the bottom, since amts in EUR are displayed beneath all amts for CHF)
- => line for the invoice you created is displayed, with amt: 100 EUR
- => add. amts shown underneath the EUR ones, in CHF: 110 CHF
- => Gesamtsumme at the end: in EUR, plus amt in CHF underneath
- Run the report some more, set different filters (e.g. for G000X, start date) each time
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