Make sure that the new checkbox for ignoring attributes in Picking Terminal is enabled in SysConfig!
- Open Packvorschrift, and make sure:
- which attributes have “Use in ASI” checked for No Handling Unit (= template attribute, not just used for LU & TU level) and
- which attributes have “Use in ASI” checked for LU level (mind the org of the LU!)
Create a sales order for G000X
Add orderline with P0001, several TUs (at least 5), set an attribute like Herkunft: Spain
Create a purchase order for G000Y
Add orderline with P0001, several TUs (at least 5), DON’T set an attribute
Open Wareneingang POS, make sure destination warehouse for your order = warehouse of your sales order! (if not, create the resp. distribution network!)
- In Wareneingang POS, create several inouts (different attributes are per LU!):
- with no attribute
- with Herkunft: Spain
- with Herkunft: e.g. Germany
- with Label: Bio
- with Herkunft: Spain, Label: Bio
Open Picking Terminal 1st window, select warehouse of your sales order and G000X
Select P0001 (and delivery date), OK
Select a picking slot, and P0001
- Click HU Editor:
- => Editor opens, with new checkbox: Attribute berücksichtigen, checked
- => only the HU from your inout with Herkunft: Spain is displayed
- Uncheck the checkbox
- => the other HUs from your inout are displayed as well
Select the HU with Herkunft: Spain, to check the TU & VPI, then check the attribute checkbox again
- Click the Home button
- => back on LU level, only the HU with Herkunft: Spain is displayed again now
Uncheck the attribute checkbox once more, and select 2 HUs (different attributes, 1 with Herkunft: Spain)
Make picking for these 2 HUs
- Open the Lieferdispo for your sales order
- => Auf Packzettel: qty from your inout in Picking Terminal
Create the shipment with Gear, Auswahl liefern, Erstellen mit kommissionierter Menge checked
- Check the shipment:
- => 2 inoutlines, 1 for each HU with different attribute
- Go back to Picking Terminal, open the HU Editor again
- => checkbox: Attribute berücksichtigen, checked
- => the HU Editor is empty at first opening, since the HU with Herkunft: Spain is already picked
- Uncheck the checkbox, select a HU, check the attributes on TU and VPI
- => remaining HUs are displayed
- => attributes are the same as on LU level
- Click Home button
- => back on LU level, all remaining HUs are displayed
Select 2 HUs, with different attributes, and pick them
Open Verdichtung POS, select your warehouse, G000X, and location for shipment
Select your 2 HUs, select a Speditionsauftrag, and create the shipment
- Check the shipment:
- => 2 inoutlines, 1 for each HU with different attribute
Create another shipment, pick >1 HU in picking HU Editor, but at least 2 with the SAME template attribute and at least 2 with only different attribute on LU / TU level (e.g. SSCC18, tare weight)
- Check the shipment:
- => 1 inoutline, with overall qty, with the same template attribute
- => 1 inoutline, with overall qty, with NO attribute set
- Open Rechnungsdispo for your sales order:
- => 1 invoice candidate for P0001
- => invoice candidates for the Gebinde used in your inouts
- Create the invoice:
- => different invoice lines for the different attributes, 1 invoiceline per inoutline (=> you can have >1 invoiceline with the same attribute, because of >1 inoutline)
Create another sales order for G000X, P0001, but do NOT set an attribute
Create several inouts in Wareneingang POS for P0001 again, with different attributes
- Open Picking Terminal
- => checkbox: Attribute berücksichtigen, checked
- => the HU Editor includes all HUs from Wareneingang POS, with the different attributes (since none is set in the order)
Pick several HUs with different attributes (template and non template)
- Create the shipment via Lieferdispo, Erstellen mit kommissionierter Menge
- => 1 inoutline for each different template attribute (overall qty, if there were >1 HUs with the same attribute)
- => 1 inoutline for the overall qty with NO attribute set