#295 sql in purchase inout takes too long
Testcase to check if the performance of purchase inout jasper was improved.
Select / create a purchase inout for G000X with a lot of lines, that still has at least 1 orderline open in Wareneingang POS
- Select the line in Wareneingang POS, and click Drucken Produktanlieferung:
- => jasper for purchase inout opens, without much waiting (~1-1 sec.)
- Open window Wareneingang, search for one of your inoutlines, and do print preview:
- => jasper for purchase inout opens, without much waiting (~1-1 sec.)
- Get the queries (old & new one) for retrieving the inout jasper, run them on db:
- => execution cost and duration is much lower for the new query
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