#298 ShipmentSchedule updating fails on missing UOM conversion
Testcase to check if the shipment schedules update correctly if a UOM conversion is missing.
Open Product window, search for P0001
- Check the UOM, make sure a UOM conversion exists:
- UOM: e.g. PCE
- UOM conversion: 0.01 / 10 for PCE / Kg
Open pricelist CP, search for P0001
- Make sure the price UOM is different from the product UOM (or set it differently for testing!)
- e.g. Price UOM: Kg
- Price 3.00 EUR per Kg
- Create a sales order for G000X, for P0001, for 10 PCE
- => orderline for 10 PCE P0001
- => product UOM: PCE, price UOM: Kg
- => price: 3.00 (10 PCE = 1 Kg)
- Zoom into the shipment schedule, when it’s created
- => Maßeinheit: PCE
- => Netto (offen): 3.00
Go back to Product, UOM Conversion, and deactivate the conversion
- In Lieferdispo, refresh (change sth like e.g. Prio, and save, so refreshing is necessary)
- => Netto (offen) is now set to -1.00, because of the missing conversion
- Create the inout with Auswahl liefern
- => inout is created without errors, despite Netto (offen) was changed and the UOM conversion is missing
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