Trace Log File functionality
Login with any role
Go to menu bar from the top of the window
Enter Extras, Einstellungen
Go to the field group “Protokoll-Informaiton”
Set the Protokollierungs-Level to WARN
Check the flag “Protokoll-Datei”
Remember the path of the file it describes
Do something in the application that leads to an error. For instance, create a new entry and try to save it without setting a mandatory value
Go to the log file, reload it if needed
=> OK: The error message appears in the file
Go back to EInstellungen, uncheck the flag Protokoll-Datei
Try to make another action that leads to an error (as above)
Go check the log file
=> OK: The error message is not displayed in the log file
Trace Log File functionality - stress test
Repeat the steps above for several instances of the client that are used at the same time
=> OK: There is a new file for each new instance => OK: The log files are filled with error messages if the flag is checked, and not filled if the flag is not checked