#361 Request change for customer service
Testcase to check the changes of window request and the new async process for creating them for material receipts with issues.
New window layout
- Open window Vorgang (alle), check fields and order of fields:
- at the top: fields Project, Rechnung, Zahlung & RMA
- in Aktion: Kostenstelle, Datum Nächste Aktion, Ergebnis (drop down), Dringlichkeit, Projekt, User Importance
- In Vorgangsart, set Lieferanten- or Kundenreklamation, add sth in Notiz, save:
- => fields and orders of fields changes:
- at the top: fields Project, Rechnung, Zahlung & RMA are not displayed anymore, new fields Lieferdatum & Rücklieferung
- in Aktion: Kostenstelle, Datum Nächste Aktion, Ergebnis (drop down), Dringlichkeit, Projekt, User Importance are not displayed anymore
- in Aktion: new fields Beanstandung (= Ergebnis drop down), Nächste Aktion, Performance Type
- order in Aktion: Vorgangsart, Priorität, Beanstandung, Notiz, Nächste Aktion, Verantwortlich, Ergebnisvorlagen, Ergebnis, Status, Performance Type
New Async Process for creating requests from material receipt
Create a purchase order for G000X, for P0001 and P0002
- In Wareneingang POS, create material receipts:
- receipt I: for P0001, partial qty, with quality discount and quality note
- receipt II: for P0001, partial qty, without quality issues
- receipt III: for P0002, partial qty, with quality discount, no note
- receipt IV: for P0002, partial qty, with quality note, no discount
- Open Vorgang (alle), search for G000X:
- => 2 (new) entries, created from async for the material receipts with quality issues:
- => created for receipts I and III
- Check requests created for G000X:
- => both have doctype Lieferantenreklamation set
- => both have G000X set in Geschäftspartner
- => both have Lieferdatum: date of test set
- => both have the resp. receipt set in Lieferung/Wareneingang
- => both have the resp. product, P0001 / P0002 set in Produkt
- => both have Notiz: Qualitätsabzug Wareneingang set, can be changed
- => Auftrag: is empty, not taken from purchase order: OK for now
- => doc for receipt I: Beanstandung: the one you set as quality note in Wareneingang
Comparison Vorgang (alle) and Vorgang window
- For the requests of receipt I, set:
- Verantwortlich: SuperUser
- Also set sth. in Ergebnis (in text field or select sth. from Ergebnisvorlagen, if some exist), save:
- => new line is created in Aktualisierungen, at the bottom, for the entry in Ergebnis
- => Ergebnis is empty again
Log out and in again, as SuperUser
- Click Aufgaben button at the right bottom:
- => window Vorgang opens
- => the latest entry is the request for receipt I
- Create a new request:
- => fields and order of fields is as in Vorgang (alle), at the beginning of the test (see above)
- In Vorgangsart, set Lieferanten- or Kundenreklamation, add sth in Notiz, save:
- => fields and orders of fields changes as described before, window works the same as Vorgang (alle)
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