#366 Faulty unique constraint on M_PriceList
Testcase to check the unique constraint for pricelists is working correctly.
Open pricelist CP, check the country
- Create a new pricelist, with the same country, but don’t check “Verkaufspreisliste”, save:
- => the pricelist is saved with the same country, as purchase pricelist
- Create another new pricelist, try to set the same country:
- => not possible, autocomplete not working and country not displayed in the list, since there already are a purchase & sales pricelist for this country
- Set another country (choose from list / use autocomplete), save:
- => working fine, country is displayed in the list / set with autocomplete
- Copy the first sales pricelist, with the country, try to save:
- => error message: only 1 sales and 1 purchase pricelist with the same country allowed!
- In the 2nd pricelist, for purchase, check “Verkaufspreisliste”:
- => the country is set back to empty, since there already is a sales pricelist for this country
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