#369 request report
Testcase to check the new request report.
You need requests created from material receipts with issues (this test was done after testing FRESH-636, pls see IT doku for that)
- Run report Bericht Reklamationen:
- set dates for Anfangsdatum & Enddatum, so that the material receipts of your requests are covered
- Check the other filters:
- Org
- Vorgangsart: all from request window selectable
- Geschäftspartner
- Beanstandungen: the ones from quality note in Wareneingang POS are selectable
- Performance: the Performance Types from request window are selectable
- Rücklieferung: all from request window selectable
- Status: all from request window selectable
- Produkt
- Set G000X for bpartner, OK:
- => report name: Reklamationen
- => all filters are displayed in the header, dates and Geschäftspartner are set as in you set, the rest have: Alle
- => your requests for receipts I & III are displayed, with date, bpartner, inout, product & product no., Performance, Rücklieferung & Status as (if) you set them
- => Beanstandung: for receipt I: the quality note you set in Wareneingang, for receipt III: empty
- => for Ergebnis: for receipt I: the one you set in the field
- Go back to the request for receipt I, and add another Ergebnis in the resp. field
- => new line created in Aktualisierungen, at the bottom, for the entry in Ergebnis
- => Ergebnis is empty again
- Run the report again, with the same filters
- => Ergebnis for receipt I: the latest one is displayed now, not the first one
- Export the report to Excel, check:
- => everything is displayed as in the jasper report, no cut-offs etc.
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