#375 Jasper: extend product name on report_detailse
Testcase to check the recent changes for product names on reports.
Make sure P0001 has a very long product name
Make sure attributes, resp. attribute sets are enabled for the product category of P0001 and P0002
Create a sales order for G000X, with P0001, no attributes
Add P0002, with several attributes
Add P0002 again, without attributes (in this order!)
- Print preview the jasper for the order:
- => all attributes you set are displayed, if necessary in >1 line
- => name of P0001 is displayed across the field for attributes, no second line for the product name
- => P0002 without attributes is also displayed in 1 line, without attributes
- Create the inout and the invoice for the order, check the jaspers:
- => all attributes you set are displayed, if necessary in >1 line
- => name of P0001 is displayed across the field for attributes, no second line for the product name
- => P0002 without attributes is also displayed in 1 line, without attributes
Create a purchase order, with P0001 & P0002, but don’t set any attributes
- Create the inout and the invoice for that, check the jaspers in all:
- => column for attributes is not displayed at all
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