Duplicate lines in inout
Note: Make sure to not have packing instructions for the partner G0001 that are available for all the products or for the product P0001 that are available for all the partners.
For each of the following reports follow these steps:
a. Run the report once when the PI1 (and BPP1 when needed) is Active and once with PI1/BPP1 deactivated
b. Compare the results
Shipped inouts
Create an inout with speditionsauftrag for G0001 with a line fora P0001
Go to the process RustListe from the menu
Step a.
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Have a C_Order_MFGWarehouse_Report for G0001 with product P0001 (they create on Sales Order Complete)
Step a. with also BPP1 deactivation: Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: WHen BPP1 was active, a string of digits is displayed instead of the product value
- => OK: When the PI1 was activated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: When BPP1 was deactivated, the product value is displayed
- => OK: No duplicate lines
- => OK
Partner specific Ordercheckup
Go to partner G0001, set a print format for Bestellkontrolle with is customer specific
Have a C_Order_MFGWarehouse_Report for G0001 with product P0001 (they create on Sales Order Complete)
Step a. Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Sales inout
Check the following reposts:
- Normal Lieferchein (nothing set in the G0001’s print format)
- ALl customer specific reports (set hem one by one in print format of G0001)
- The customer specific reports that are ran from the gear of the Lieferung window
For all of the above:
Step a. Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Purchase inout
Have a material receipot for G0002, with a line for P0001
Step a. Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Sales Order
Have a sales order for G0001, with a line for P0001
Step a. Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Purchase Order
Have a purchase order for G0002, with a line for P0001
Step a. Print preview
Step b. :
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Label SSCC
Go to wareningang pos, open the purchase order above
Step a.: Enter the TU, print label SSCC
Step b.: THe labes are identical for both active and inactive PI1
=> OK: Nothing is duplicated
Label Receipt
Go to wareningang pos, open the purchase order above
Step a.: Enter the TU, print label Wareneingangsetiket
Step b.:
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Step a.: Go to partner G0001, run Pricelist report from gear
Step b.:
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Sales Invoice
Create a sales invoice for G0001 with a line for P0001
Step a.: Print preview from invoice
Step b.:
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
Purchase Invoice
Create a purchase invoice for G0002 with a line for P0001
Step a.: Print preview from invoice
Step b.:
- => OK: When the PI1 was active, its name was displayed in the report
- => OK: When the PI1 was deactivated, its name did not appear in the reporrt but all the other info from the linked line were displayed correctly
- => OK: No duplicate lines
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