#388 make M_ReceiptSchedule.IsPackagingMaterial a physical column
Testcase to check IsPackagingMaterial in ReceiptSchedule (Wareneingangsdisposition).
Open Wareneingang POS
- Create a purchase order for G000X:
- order all 3 products, sev. times!
- use all 4 TU types, with different products
- Check your ReceiptSchedules for the order:
- => ReceiptSchedules for the TUs have IsPackagingMaterial checked
- Check Wareneingang POS directly after:
- => orderlines from your purchase order are all displayed in the warehouse you selected in the order (if you have A LOT of orderlines, maybe some are still loading, but most of them should already be displayed)
- => TU types & qties are as ordered
- Check your ReceiptSchedules in db:
- => IsPackagingMaterial is displayed as a column (=> virtual column, prob. at the end)
- => IsPackagingMaterial is set Y for the TUs, N for the products
- Create inouts for your orderlines, check the ReceiptSchedules:
- => receipts are created correctly, correct qties etc.
- => ReceiptSchedules are updated correctly: QtyMoved is increased, QtyToMove is decreased etc.
- Create inouts for older orderlines, that are not yet closed in Wareneingang POS:
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