#395 Add Description in Jasper Invoice Vendor
Testcase to check if the description field in invoice jasper is displayed correctly.
- Create a sales and a purchase order:
- for G000X
- use P0001 & P0002, set attributes for both
- use TU A and TU B, for both products
Create the inouts, with Wareneingang POS & Lieferdispo
Create the invoices
- Check the invoices:
- => field description can be changed / set manually, for both products and Gebinde
- Set stuff in the description field, short and long ones, print preview the jaspers:
- text from description is displayed underneath the line for product / Gebinde, in both invoices
- if there are attributes set that are displayed in > 1 line, then the description is displayed a little lower, underneath the line for ASI
- long text in description: fully displayed, no cut-offs
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