#409 MRP Product Info might leave back stale entries after fast changes
Testcase to check if MRP Product Info updates correctly after fast changes.
- Open MRP Product Info
- => opens for date of test
- Set P0001 in Produkt, refresh:
- => Bestellte Menge and Zusagbar Zählbestand qty: 0 (if it is >0, test with another product that has qty 0 in MRP Product Info)
Create a purchase order for G000X, P0001, qty: 100, and DatePromised = date of test
Go back to MRP Product Info
- Set P0001 in Produkt, refresh:
- => Bestellte Menge and Zusagbar Zählbestand qty: 100
Go back to your purchase order, reactivate it
Set DatePromised = following day, save and complete
- In MRP Product Info, go to following day
- => Bestellte Menge and Zusagbar Zählbestand qty: 100
- Go back to date of test (use arrows / set date manually):
- => Bestellte Menge and Zusagbar Zählbestand qty: 0
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