#410 sscc label org fix
Testcase to check if the SSCC label always shows the correct org.
Create a purchase order for G000X, for P0001, in Org I
- Create receipt for P0001 in Wareneingang POS, using an LU, and print the SSCC label for that LU:
- => org at top of the label: Org I
Note the the HU value of your LU
Create a sales order for G000X, for P0001, in Org I
Move your LU to the warehouse from sales order in Kommissionier Terminal, using a Distribution Order
- You can also print the SSCC label in Bereitstellung POS:
- => org at top of the label: Org I
- In Kommissionier Terminal, select your LU for your sales order, and print the SSCC label in editor again:
- => org at top of the label: Org I
- Open Handling Unit, search for your LU, and check tab Handling Unit Assignment:
- => org: Org I
- => assignments for all the movements, inouts etc. the LU was used in before
- Zoom into the assignments:
In db, set org for HU: Org II, and delete all assignments
- Open Handling Unit POS, the warehouse used in Kommissionier Terminal, and print the SSCC label for your HU again:
- => org at top of the label: Org II
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