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#428 NPE when reversing an invoice including a product with inactive UOM conversion

Testcase to check if reversing an invoice including a product with inactive UOM conversion does not cause a NPE.

  1. Make sure P0001 has different price & product UOM, and an active UOM conversion

  2. Create a sales order for G000X, for P0001:
  3. Create the inout, and the invoice

  4. Check the invoice candidate for P0001:
  5. Set the UOM conversion for P0001 inactive, save

  6. Reverse the invoice you created:
  7. Go back to invoice candidates:
  8. Set the UOM conversion for P0001 active again, save

  9. Uncheck the Error checkbox in the invoice candidate for P0001, save, refresh:
  10. Create the invoice again:

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