Check if G000X has isinvoiceemailenabled set Y/N, or not set (in bpartner window, 1st tab)
Make sure G000X has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y
Create an invoice and an order for G000X, use P0001
- Open DocOutbound (Ausgehende Belege), and search for G000X (and date of test):
- => invoice has checkbox isinvoiceemailenabled: Y set
- => order does not have checkbox for isinvoiceemailenabled displayed
- Check the order in db:
- the order has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y set as well
Set isinvoiceemailenabled for G000X to N
- Create another invoice and order for G000X, and check DocOutbound again:
- => invoice has isinvoiceemailenabled: N set
- => order does not have checkbox for isinvoiceemailenabled displayed
- Check the 2nd order in db:
- the order has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y set
Set isinvoiceemailenabled for G000X to Y again
- Check DocOutbound again, refresh (esp. for the 2nd invoice):
- => isinvoiceemailenabled for invoice has updated: Y is set
Create new bpartner G000Y, make sure it has isinvoiceemailenabled NOT set (NULL)
- Create a new user for G000Y as well:
- set isinvoiceemailenabled: N
- set him as sales contact person, so he will be contact for the sales orders / invoices
Create an invoice and another document (e.g. inout)
- Check DocOutbound again, for G000Y and date of test:
- => invoice has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y set
- => inout does not have checkbox for isinvoiceemailenabled displayed
- Check the order in db:
- the inout has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y set
- Set isinvoiceemailenabled: N for G000Y now, but Y for its new user, and check DocOutbound again for G000Y (refresh):
- => invoice has isinvoiceemailenabled: N set
- => inout does not have checkbox for isinvoiceemailenabled displayed (it’s Y in db)
Make sure your own email address is the default one set in db, for testing purposes!
- Gear, Auswahl als Email senden:
- => both docs are sent as mail, also the invoice!
- Filter again, but for isinvoiceemailenabled: Y, and send Emails again (clear the checkbox “Nur bisher nicht gemailte”):
- => only the inout is sent, NOT the invoice!
Make sure G000X has a user, with isinvoiceemailenabled: N; but G000X still has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y
In DocOutbound, set filters for G000X, and date of test (so you only get your new order / invoice for G000X)
- Gear, Auswahl als Email senden:
- => all docs are sent, since G000X still has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y
- Set the user of G000X to isinvoiceemailenabled: NULL, and repeat Auswahl senden in DocOutbound (clear the checkbox “Nur bisher nicht gemailte”):
- => all docs are sent, since G000X still has isinvoiceemailenabled: Y