#497 WebUI - ShipmentSchedule Window
Testcase to check Shipment Schedule window
Shipment Schedule
open webui and press on home button
- select browse whole tree
- => new page opens with a menu
- => in section LIEFERUNG you can see window Lieferdisposition
- open Lieferdisposition
- => it opens in grid view
- => there are the following fields: Geschäftspartner, Produkt, Bestellt eff., Liefermenge, Geliefert, Offen, Massenheit, Auftrag, Auftragsdatum, Referenz, Lager
- Select a random entry and duble click on it
- => you see it in detail view
- => there are the following fields: Produkt, Ausprägung Merkmals-Satz, Bestellt eff., Liefermenge, Auf Packzettel, Geliefert, Offen, Massenheit, Lager, Bestand
Belegart, Geschäftspartner, Verwendeter Adress-Text, Auftrag, Auftragsdatum, Referenz, Bereitstellungsdatum eff.
- => there is also an included tab, with lines for packing
go back to home, select browse whole tree, and open new sales order
create a new sales order, with 2 products: 1 shall have hu and attributes, and the other one no hu and no attribute
set different dates for ordered and promised and complete it
- go to Referenced documents and select Lieferdispo
- => Lieferdispo window opens in grid mode, with 2 lines (1 for each product)
- => dates, qtys and other data are the same as in order
(adding a new line for HU in lieferdispo is not implemented yet)
- go to Actions select Auswahl Liefern
- => a window pops up and you can’t select anything from outside of this window
- => you can select to make inout with kommissionierung qty or directly (Lieferung(en) Fertigstellen)
- => the second one is already selected
press on start
* => window closes
* => soon you will see that you have a new unread message
- select the notification message
- => Lieferung window opens with the new created inout, in detail view
- go back to lieferdispo and select the Referenced documents
- => there is one with Shipment
- select shipment from Referenced documents
- => Lieferung window opens with the new created inout, in detail view
- open lieferdispo window again and right click on any entry (also use right click on the right side, when the page ends)
- => small pop-up with actions: open in new tab, delete
- select open in new tab
- => lieferdispo opens in new tab
- select another entry in lieferdispo, right click and select delete
- => pop-up opens with “Are you sure?”
- while the pop-up is opened try to click outside it
- => you can’t do anything else while the pop-up is there
- press on delete
- => if the lieferdispo is processed an error appears that you cannot delete
- => pop-up closes and the line is removed or not (depends if you can delete it or not)
Stress Test
- Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate from one page to another
Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate to page 5
- Go to home, select browse whole tree, and open Sales Order window
Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate from page 1 to page 6
order fields by product
- navigate from page 1 to 6
- => each page shows the right products, ordered
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