#504 new filter in saldobilanz report
Testcase to check the new filter in Saldobilanz.
- Run Saldobilanz for day of test:
Run the 3 reports for Deckungsbeitragsrechnung, Konten-Information (select a wider range of accounts), and Fibukonto-Kontoblatt
Leave the reports open for comparison
- Create a new GL Journal (Hauptbuch-Journal):
- in 1st & 2nd tab, set Buchungsart Ist (Jahr Ende)
- in 3rd tab, set 2 different accounts (select 2 that are displayed in the Deckungsbeitragsrechungs Reports, and covered by your Konten-Information before)
- set amt 100 for Haben / Soll for the accounts
- save, and complete in the 1st tab
Wait for the GL Journal to be booked
- Run Saldobilanz again, don’t set the new filter:
- => the amt for the accounts you selected in GL Journal are changed, one with + / one with - 100
- Run Saldobilanz once more, set the new filter:
- => no change in the amts of the 2 accounts, the report is the same as the one you first ran
- Run the other reports:
- => Deckungsbeitragsrechnung: amt for the accounts you selected are changed respectively
- => Deckungsbeitragsrechnung Kurzversion: Total sum for the accoutns groups of your accounts are changed respectively
- => Deckungsbeitragsrechnung Kurzversion mit Vorjahr Total sum for the accoutns groups of your accounts are changed respectively
- => Konten-Information: amt for the accounts you selected are changed respectively
- => Fibukonto-Kontoblatt: no change, because only invoices are checked for this report!
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