#552 division by 0 in costprice report
Testcase to check if the bug regarding division by 0 in costprice report is fixed.
- Run the costprice report, leave it open for comparison:
- make sure there are no lines & qties yet for your products and TUs
- Make sure TU A and TU B have a price set in the PLV used in costprice report (Lagerwert):
- Create a purchase order for G000X:
- P0001, 10 TU A x 1kg (set price: 1.00)
- P0002, 5 TU B x 2 Stk (set price: 1.00)
- Create receipts in Wareneingang POS:
- P0001, 5 TU A
- P0002, 2 TU B
- Run the costprice report:
- P0001, qty: 5kg, average price: 1.00, sum: 5.00
- TU A, qty: 5, average price: 5.00, sum: 25.00
- P0002, qty: 4Stk, average price: 1.00, sum: 4.00
- TU B, qty: 2, average price: 2.00, sum: 4.00
- Create a report for empties:
- TU A: qty: 5
- TU B: qty: 1
- Run the costprice report for TU A:
- 2 lines, qty: 5, qty: -5, average price: 5.00 for both, sum: 0.00
- Create another purchase order for G000X:
- P0001, 5 TU A x 1kg (set price: 0.50)
- P0002, 2 TU B x 2 Stk (set price: 2.00)
- Create receipts in Wareneingang POS:
- P0001, 5 TU A
- P0002, 2 TU B
- Run the costprice report once more:
- P0001, qty: 10kg, average price: 0.75, sum: 7.50
- TU A, qty: 5, average price: 5.00, sum: 25.00
- P0002, qty: 8Stk, average price: 1.50, sum: 12.00
- TU B, qty: 3, average price: 2.00, sum: 6.00
Note: the original bug happened when the qties of 1 HU type was +x qty in one warehouse and -x qty in another, so you need to test with the same qty from Wareneinang (+, in warehouse for Wareneingang)
and the same qty from empties report (-, in warehouse for empties)!
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