#557 Report Saldenbilanz & Account Info native Excel Export
Testcase to check the Excel export of reports Saldenbilanz & Account Info.
Run report Saldenbilanz
- When the report is done, export it into an Excel file:
- => no errors or exceptions
- Check the Excel file:
- => all info from the jasper repport is displayed properly, no cut-offs etc.
- => no combined columns (=> where there is the same info in 2 columns, they remain separated!)
- => you can change the columns, they are not read only!
Run report Account-Info
- When the report is done, export it into an Excel file:
- => no errors or exceptions
- Check the Excel file:
- => all info from the jasper repport is displayed properly, no cut-offs etc.
- => no combined columns (=> where there is the same info in 2 columns, they remain separated!)
- => you can change the columns, they are not read only!
- => the account and account no. are normal columns!
- => field is enlarged if needed for more text, e.g. for description
- Run the report Account-Info for a high number of accounts, and export it into an Excel file:
- => no errors or exceptions
- Check the Excel file:
- => all info from the jasper repport is displayed properly, no cut-offs etc.
- => no combined columns (=> where there is the same info in 2 columns, they remain separated!)
- => you can change the columns, they are not read only!
- => the account and account no. are normal columns
- => field is enlarged if needed for more text, e.g. for description
View source file on GitHub.com