#567 WebUI - Material Receipt Schedule
Testcase to check Material Receipt Schedule in WebUI.
Material Receipt Schedule Look
Open webui, click the home button
- Click browse whole tree
- => new page opens with a menu
- => in section WARENEINGANG you can see window Wareneingangsdisposition
- Open Wareneingangsdisposition
- => Opens in grid view, starting with the schedules from the “oldest” Bestellung (see order no. in column Bestellung)
- => following fields are displayed: Bestellung, Geschäftspartner, Produkt, Bereitstellungszeit, Bestellte Menge, Bewegungsmenge, Bewegt, Maßenheit, Ziel-Lager, Ausprägung Merkmal
- Select a random entry and double click on it
- => detail view
- => following fields are displayed: Belegart, DB-Tabelle, Bestellung, Auftragsdatum, Bereitstellungszeit, Produkt, Ausprägung Merkmals-Satz, Bestellte Menge, Maßeinheit, Qualitätsabzug %,
Qualität-Notiz, Lager, Lager abw., Ziel-Lager, Bewegungs-Datum, Priorität, Lieferart, Bewegungsmenge abw., Priorität Abw., Lieferart abr.,Lieferung, Lieferung durch abw., Geschäftspartner,
Geschäftspartner abw., Standort abw., Ansprechpartner abw., Anschrift-Text, Anschrift-Text abw., Verarbeitet, Status, Kopf-Aggregationsmarkmal, Gebindekonfiguration, Verpackungskapazität, Packbeschreibung,
Packaging Material, HU Prepared, Bewegte TU-Menge
- => included tabs, with lines for receipts and Handling Unit Assignment
- Click the list button at the top right:
- => all Material Receipt Schedules are displayed in the list, with the latest one at the top
- => you can browse through the list, and the different pages
- Double click on of the schedules in the list:
- => the selected Material Receipt Schedule opens in single view
Using Material Receipt Schedule
Click home, select browse whole tree, and open Neue Bestellung
- Create a new purchase order, for G000X:
- with P0001 on TU A and P0002 as Virtual PI
- for P0001 set attributes (if none are set already), for P0002, don’t set attributes
- Set different dates for ordered and promised, then click the actions button:
- => no material receipt schedules created yet
- Complete the order, click the actions button again:
- => material receipt schedules were now created (3)
- Select the Wareneingangsdisposition in referenced documents:
- => Wareneingangsdispo window opens in grid mode, with 3 lines (1 for each product, 1 for the TU)
- => dates, qtys and other data are the same as in order
- Try editing things, e.g. product, or qty ordered:
- Open 1 Wareneingangsdispo in single view, try editing things again:
- => you can edit several things, like e.g warehouse, product, ASI, qty, but not e.g. bpartner
- Click actions button, select Advanced Edit:
- => a window pops up and you can’t select anything from outside of this window
- => you can edit several fields, like e.g warehouse, product, ASI, qty, but not e.g. bpartner
- =>Note: no referenced documents for Wareneingangsdispo!
- Click actions button, select Wareneingangsdispo zu Wareneingang:
- => a window pops up and you can’t select anything from outside of this window
- => you can select Lager, and Datum von / Datum bis, also checkbox for creating movement
- Select the warehouse from your purchase order, and set dates so that your Wareneingangsdispos are covered, then click Start:
- => window closes
- => notifications button is updated, new unread messages
- Select the notification message:
- => Wareneingang window opens with the new created receipt, in detail view
- Go back to Wareneingangsdispo:
- => qty in Bewegt is now updated, with the qty that was received (= the ordered qty)
- => included tab for receipts show the receiptline from your Wareneingang (Handling Unit Assignment is empty, since no “real” HUs were received)
- Go back to your purchase order, check the referenced documents:
- => Wareneingang is now displayed as well, besides Wareneingangsdispo
- Select your Wareneingang, check the referenced documents there as well:
- => Bestellung is referenced (no reference to Wareneingangsdispo, which has no references itself!)
- Open Wareneingangsdispo window again, in grid view, and right click on any entry (also use right click on the right side, when the page ends):
- => small pop-up with actions: open in new tab, delete
- Select open in new tab:
- => Wareneingangsdispo opens in new tab, in single view
- Select another entry in grid view, right click and select delete:
- => pop-up opens with “Are you sure?”
- While the pop-up is opened try to click outside it:
- => you can’t do anything else while the pop-up is there
- Click delete:
- => if the Wareneingangsdispo is processed an error appears, you cannot delete
- => pop-up closes and the line is removed or not (depends if you can delete it or not)
- Filter for e.g. a date, or qty ordered (ascending / descending), and skip / jump through the pages / from page to page:
- => Wareneingangsdispo should keep the order from your filter, no matter how you moved from page to page
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