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#576 Report Reclamation result, quality note and minor changes

Testcase to check the latest changes in Report Reklamationen.

  1. Create a request for a material receipt:
  2. Open the request in window Vorgang (alle):
  3. In Ergebnis, set a longer text (e.g. copy some sentences from Wikipedia), save

  4. Run Report Reklamationen:
  5. Create a request for a sales inout:
  6. Open the request in window Vorgang (alle):
  7. Set the product P0002 in the resp. field, set sth in Notiz, and a longer text in Ergebnis (e.g. copy some sentences from Wikipedia), save

  8. Run Report Reklamationen:
  9. Run Report Reklamationen for a longer time period, so you get more requests displayed:

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