#579 Handling units without washing cycle shall be allowed in washing Manufacturing Order
Testcase to check if HUs without attribute washing cycle are allowed in washing Manufacturing Order too.
- Make sure you have a SysConfig for destination warehouses being set for attributes Waschprobe 1 / 2, and material tracking (see https://metasfresh.atlassian.net/browse/FRESH-794):
- for warehouse I: if attribute Waschprobe 1, it has destination warehouse II
- for warehouse I: if attribute Waschprobe 2, it has destination warehouse III
Create a new material tracking for G000X, for P0001, with the flatrate term for carrot washing cycles, set a number you like
- Create a purchase order for G000X:
- warehouse I
- P0001, 1 TU A, set the material tracking no. you created, Waschprobe 1
- P0001, 1 TU A, set the material tracking no. you created, Waschprobe 2
- P0001, 5 TU A, set the material tracking no. you created, no Waschprobe
- Open Wareneingang POS, select warehouse I, G000X, your purchase order:
- => 3 orderlines:
- => P0001, 1 TU A, destination warehouse: II
- => P0001, 1 TU A, destination warehouse: III
- => P0001, 5 TU A, no destination warehouse set
Create material receipts for the first 2 orderlines, leave the destination warehouse as set
- Create 2 partial material receipts for the 3rd orderline:
- 2 TUs A, with destination warehouse: II
- 2 TUs A, with destination warehouse: III
- Create a Manufacturing Order for washing:
- warehouse: II
- product: P0002
- qty: e.g. 750kg
- bpartner: G000X
Open Produktion Fertigstellung POS, select warehouse II, and the PP_Order you just created
- Click Zuteilung:
- => HU Editor opens with:
- => the HUs from the 1st material receipt, with attribute Waswchprobe 1
- => the 2 HUs from the 3rd material receipt, where you set destination warehouse: II, without attribute Waswchprobe 1 / 2
- Create a Distribution Order:
- 3 TUs of P0001
- warehouse III, destination warehouse II
Go back to Produktion Fertigstellung POS, select warehouse II, and your PP_Order
Click Bereitstellung POS, select your Distribution Order
- Select the HU from 2nd material receipt, with attribute Waschprobe 2, and 1 HU 3rd material receipt, where you set destination warehouse: III, without attribute Waswchprobe 1 / 2, OK
- => the HUs you selected are moved to warehouse II
Back in Produktion Fertigstellung POS, select warehouse II, and your PP_Order again
- Click Zuteilung once more:
- => HU Editor opens with:
- => the HU from the 1st material receipt, with attribute Waswchprobe 1
- => the 2 HUs from the 3rd material receipt, where you set destination warehouse: II, without attribute Waswchprobe 1 / 2
- => the HU from the 2nd material receipt, with attribute Waswchprobe 2, which you moved with DD_Order
- => the 2 HUs from the 3rd material receipt, where you set destination warehouse: III, without attribute Waswchprobe 1 / 2, which you moved with DD_Order
- Select HU from 1st material receipt, and 2 HUs from 3rd material receipt without attribute Waschprobe 1 / 2, OK
- => issuing works fine
- => qty for P0001 in resp. button is raised accordingly
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