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#597 Empties mask and functionality with autom. set the selected bpartner

Testcase to check if the empties mask opens with the bpartner selected in Material Receipt automatically set.

  1. Make sure you have orderlines for G000X in Material Receipt (Wareneingang) POS

  2. Open Material Receipt (Wareneingang) POS, select a warehouse

  3. Click the Empties button:
  4. Select G000X:
  5. Click the Empties button again:
  6. Select some HUs, set a qty, OK
  7. Select one of the orderlines of G000X, and click the empties button again:
  8. Select some HUs, set a qty, OK
  9. While the orderline is selected, click the empties button again:
  10. Click Leergutrücknahme, set G000Y as bpartner, select some HUs, set a qty, OK

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