#639 Marginal Return report calculation does not check ad_org_id
Testcase to check the Marginal Return report calculation for another Org.
Log in with Org II
- For comparison, have an old the Marginal Return report (Deckungsbeitragsrechnung report) for Org II, or run it before changes are implemented if possible:
- => activities (Kostenstelle) included are: 1000, 2000, 100, 150 and others (Andere)
- Create several GL_Journals (Hauptbuch - Journal), using accounts included in the report before:
- => use different activities, from 10, 20 - 50, plus others (90 or 150)
- => make sure you use each account - activity combination only once!
- => for the sums in Haben & Soll, set simple, recognizable numbers like e.g. 100, 150 etc.
- => you can set Posting type A (Ist) for most, and also B (Budget) for one or 2 to test
- => also create a GL_Journal without actitivy set
- => make sure the GL_Journals are all posted (wait for posting or do it manually)
- Run the Marginal Return report (Deckungsbeitragsrechnung report) for Org II, without Budget:
- => activities (Kostenstelle) included are now: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and others (Andere)
- => for each account, the sum you set in GL_Journal is displayed for the correct activity (no activity is also included in others!)
- => the sums where Posting type Budget was set are not included, since Budget is not included in the report
- Run the Marginal Return report (Deckungsbeitragsrechnung report) for Org II again, wit Budget:
- => column Budget is now included, and the sums where Posting type Budget was set are displayed for the resp. account(s)
Note: If you use the same each account - activity combination more than once, the sums will be calculated accordingly! Also, if you have a higher / lower sum displayed in the
report than you set in GL_Journal, check Fact_acct in database for postings for this account and Org II: there should be more postings displayed then your GL_Journal, from other documents.
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