#67 Error when introducing parameters to report
Testcase to check if no errors occur when introducing parameters to report
Open Webui, and select Geschäftsparter in menu
Select G000X
- Click the actions button, select process for Preisliste:
- => Preisliste window opens, with parameters to set
- Try selecting sth in the parameters:
- => no error popping up
- => atm, “There is no choice available” is displayed for all of them
- Try the same with Preislistenvergleich and its parameters:
- => no error popping up
- => atm, “There is no choice available” is displayed for all of them
Create a new sales order for G000X
- When adding product, click Abo-Vertragsbedingungen
- => no error popping up
- => atm, “There is no choice available” is displayed for all of them
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