#877 Make “Wareneingang POS (Jasper)” report work with M_ReceiptSchedule_ID as parameter
Testcase to check if the Wareneingang POS (Jasper) works as before after the changes.
If possible, create a Wareneingang POS (Jasper) before this task is rolled out, or try and find an older one that contains the latest changes before this task!
- Create a purchase order with sev. orderlines:
- P0001, 5 x TU A
- P0002, 10 x TU B
- P0003, 8 x TU A
- In Wareneingang POS, create several inouts for each orderline:
- use the ordered type of TU
- use another type of TU if possible, or Virtual PI
- set different ASI
- set quality discount & quality note
- Run the Jasper:
- => products, TU types, qties, attributes etc. are displayed correctly
- => product with same TU type and attribute are summed up
- => product with different TU type / attribute has sum in extra line
- => product with quality note is displayed underneath the one which has same attribute / TU type, quality note displayed, and discount in %
- => general info like date, bpartner, receipt no.s etc. are all displayed correctly, no cut-offs etc.
- => TUs with type and qties are displayed correctly in Gebinde
- => Gebindesaldo is displayed underneath, with Gebinde from receipts, empties inouts etc.
- => correct Header & Footer, as before
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