Testcase to check the performance we gain from DLM
First make the preparations from this task: https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh/issues/709 to set up the config
- Check the following windows, with subtab and advanced search:
- auftrag/bestellung (c_order)
- wareneingang/lieferung (m_inout)
- rechnung/eingangsrechnung (c_invoice)
- rechnungsdispo (c_invoice_candidate)
- lieferdispo(m_shipmentSchedule)
- wareneingangsdispo (m_receiptSchedule)
- geschaftspartner (c_bpartner)
- product info
- geschaftspartner info
- mrp info
- mrp product info
- olcand (c_olcand)
- product (m_product)
- async (C_Queue_WorkPackage)
- packvorschrift (M_HU_PI)
- handling units (m_hu)
- handling units transaction (M_HU_Trx_Line)
- cu-tu zuordnung (M_HU_PI_Item_Product)
- dunning candidates (C_Dunning_Candidate)
- dunnning documents (C_Dunning)
- vorgang alle (R_Request)
- bestellkontrolle (C_Order_MFGWarehouse_Report)
- speditionsauftrag (M_ShipperTransportation)
- edi desadv (EDI_Desadv)
- material balance (M_Material_Balance_Detail)
- laufender vertrag (C_Flatrate_Data), flatrate term (C_Flatrate_Term)
- kundentrucklieferung (m_inout)
- lieferantenrucklieferung (m_inout)
- zahlung (c_payment)
- zahlung zuordnung
- zahlung anweisen (c_payselection)
- bankauszug (C_BankStatement)
- lager (m_warehouse)
- uom (c_uom)
- product category (m_product_category)
- preise (m_pricelist, M_ProductPrice, M_PriceList_V)
- merkmal satz (m_attribute, m_attributeset, m_attributesetinstance)
- material vorgang (m_material_tracking)
- konten (fact_acct)
- wahrung (c_currency)
- journal (gl_journalBatch)
- plandate (m_product)
- esr (esr_import)
- picking slot (m_picking_slot), picking slot trx (m_picking_slot_trx)
- liefertage (m_delivery_day)
- mrp notice (ad_note)
- productions auftrag (pp_order)
- distribution order (dd_order)
- warenbevegung (m_movement)
- Conclusion:
- Overall, the performance was improved. Searching in most of the windows took less than 1s.
- The following took more:
- filter for ALL in product info (around 94s)
- => If you put a filter is really fast (1s). Also not related with dlm
- last subtab in pricing system , M_PriceList_V (around 95s)
- Buchführungs-Details: fact_acct (around 3m 34s)
- Ausprägung Merkmals-Satz: M_AttributeSetInstance (around 3m 40s)
- from these four, only fact_acct and M_AttributeSetInstance have dlms. And i checked with value 2 and 3 in config, and both work faster in 3 (aprox 1 min less).
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