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Add new languages to the system


This guide shows you how to activate existing language records, turn them into system languages and create all missing translation references.

In order to activate translations in the Java Swing Client, please see here.


  1. Log in to the Java back end using the role “System Administrator”.
  2. Go to “Language” (WebUI > System > Language).
  3. Look up the record of the language you want to add to the system.
  4. Tick the checkbox Active.
  5. Tick the checkbox System Language.
  6. Click “Process Now”. An overlay window opens up.

    Fig.: Langauge tab: IsActive=Y, IsSystemLanguage=Y, 'Process Now' Button

  7. Pick the Maintenance Mode Add Missing Translations and click “Start”. This will create all missing translations.

    Fig.: Maintenance Mode 'Add Missing Translations'

Note for Admins:
Missing translations are also added when starting the App Server.
Note for WebUI:
To make this feature available in the WebUI, be sure to set webui_role='Y' and ad_role_id='0'.

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