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Control how the WebUI cloning feature works (Configuration)


This guide describes the various configuration options that control how the WebUI cloning feature works with respect to cloning level (table/column) and sub-records.

Table Level Controls Column Level Controls
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Controlling on table level

CloningEnabled – Controls if records of this table can be cloned

Option Effect
Auto (backward compatibility) Lets the framework determine if a table can be cloned. Basically falls back to the way it was working before, i.e. a table can be cloned if we programmatically enabled it (by calling CopyRecordFactory#enableForTableName).
Enabled Cloning enabled (regardless whether it was enabled via code or not)
Disabled Cloning disabled (regardless whether it was enabled via code or not)

WhenChildCloningStrategy – Controls how records of a table will be cloned when included in a parent table

For example, how C_OrderLines will be cloned when cloning a C_Order record.

If CloningEnabled is Disabled the table will be skipped regardless of this field’s setting.
Option Effect
Allow including when cloning as a child (backward compatibility) Allows cloning if the system determines that is suitable.
Always include Include when cloning a parent record (see DownlineCloningStrategy=Only if marked as included).
Skip when cloning as a child Skip it when cloning, no matter what.

DownlineCloningStrategy – Controls how child records of a parent record will be cloned

For example, when cloning a C_Order, how to determine which are the child records like C_OrderLine.

Option Effect
Auto-Detect and Copy Children (backward compatibility) Lets the system detect the child records.
Only if marked as included Will consider only those child records with WhenChildCloningStrategy=Always include.
Skip Copying Children Skips copying children.

Controlling on column level

CloningStrategy – Controls how a column value is copied

Option Effect
Auto (legacy) (backward compatibility) Apply the same algorithm we had until now. (Basically, if it is computed then use the default value, else copy directly).
Direct Copy Copies the value directly.
Use Default Value Compute the value by parsing and resolving AD_Column.DefaultValue using target record context (and values).
Skip Do not copy, simply skip it (do nothing).
Make Unique Applies to string columns only. Makes the value unique by appending a string that contains the currently logged-in user and current time. The AD_Message appended as a suffix is CopiedOn. Current login language is used (or base language if no login language is defined).

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