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Design Guide WebUI – Windows, Documents, Fields
Corner Stones for Windows
Top Left
- Mandatory fields
- Very important fields
Top Right
- Most important checkboxes and switches
- Active switch
shall be the first element at the top of the column
Bottom Right

Corner Stones for Documents
Top Right

Grid View for Documents
First 4 fields displayed must be:
- Target Document Type
- Document Number
- Document Date
Last 2 Fields displayed must be:
- Document Status
- Organisation
When displaying the following fields, always show them together:
- Pricing System / Pricelist
- Currency

Grid View Order of Master Data
- Name ascending
Note: This applies to all master data grid views, e.g., business partners, products, price lists, etc.
Grid View Order of Documents
Grid View Order of Data with a “Valid from” Date
- “Valid from” date descending
Field names for Documents
- Instead of “Target Document Type”, write Document Type.
- Instead of “Document Date”, write Date.
- Instead of “Document No.”, write No.
- Instead of “Document Status”, write Status.
Default Filter for Documents
- Date (Document Date)
- Business Partner
- No. (Document No.)
- Document Type

Included Record Tabs
- All the fields shall be in only 1 element group.
- This element group shall have a white background (primary UI).

- Each time a quantity is shown, show the UOM next to it
- Each time a price is shown, show the price uom next to it ( unless it’s the same as the uom above)
- If the UOM is missing in the data structure, create follow-up to add it.
Dos and Dont’s (unless the opposite is specifically requested)
- If a column is a filter, the field for it should be displayed in grid view;
- If a list contains more than 10 entries, it should be changed into a search field;
- The Client (mandant) should not be displayed in a grid view;
- Any new field should be translated in German and English;
- Organization should be the last field displayed in grid view;
- In the advanced edit view of a subtab, the Organization and Client should be the last 2 fields displayed;
- When adding/modifying a virtual (SQL) column, make sure it gets updated when the source information updates.
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