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How to setup Atom for contributing docs


Download Atom from the official website.


Autocomplete Paths

With this you can easily create links to other markdown files without having to search them.

  1. Press Ctrl/⌘ cmd + ⇧ Shift + P to open the search.
  2. Search for “Install Packages and Themes”.
  3. Click on Settings View: Install Packages and Themes.
  4. Search for “autocomplete-paths”.
  5. Click on “Install”.

Usage: Just enter “/” and then a part of the file you are looking for, e.g., /sales will suggest SalesOrder_recording.

Hint: Combine with Markdown Snippets using l + TAB to get []().

Markdown Image Helper

This package allows you to easily upload and insert images into markdown pages.

  1. Press Ctrl/⌘ cmd + ⇧ Shift + P to open the search.
  2. Search for “Install Packages and Themes”.
  3. Click on Settings View: Install Packages and Themes.
  4. Search for “markdown-image-helper”.
  5. Click on “Install”.

Enable GitHub Style

This setting switches the markdown preview to GitHub style.

  1. Press Ctrl/⌘ cmd + ⇧ Shift + P to open the search.
  2. Search for “Installed Packages”.
  3. Click on Settings View: View Installed Packages.
  4. Search for “markdown-preview”.
  5. Click on “Settings”.
  6. Enable “Use GitHub.com” style.

    Fig.: Enable 'Use GitHub.com' style

Make Markdown Preview scroll with the text

This Package automatically scrolls the markdown preview to the position of your cursor in the markdown text.

  1. Press Ctrl/⌘ cmd + ⇧ Shift + P to open the search.
  2. Search for “Install Packages and Themes”.
  3. Click on Settings View: Install Packages and Themes.
  4. Search for “markdown-scroll-sync”.
  5. Click on “Install”.

Format Snippets

Type the trigger and then press TAB.

Trigger Function
b bold text
code code
i italic
img embedded image
l link
table table

Text Snippets

You can edit snippets via the menu bar by going to File > Snippets…

You can find the latest snippets here.


  1. Use Ctrl/⌘ cmd + ⇧ Shift + M for markdown preview.
  2. Use Ctrl/⌘ cmd + V to paste an image from the clipboard.

    Note: Images are stored in the subfolder /assets.

  3. Use img + TAB, click into () and then press Ctrl/⌘ cmd + V to paste an image link.

General Background Info

Other Markdown Editors

If you install other packages that support markdown, the image helper will stop working if the language of the document is not “GitHub Markdown”.

Make sure the core package “language-gfm” is enabled (gfm = github flavored markdown).

User settings

Atom stores your settings and packages here: %userprofile%\.atom.

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