The metasfresh-esb-camel repository also contains two camel OSGI bundles which are intended to be deployed in ServiceMix.
Currently, the camel OSGI bundles communicate with metasfresh via the replication interface.
Note for ADempiere-people: the replication interface’s idea is still very similar to what we got from ADempiere, but we made a lot of changes and additions to it.
For example, we added CanonicalXSDGenerator that generates a XSD file for one or many replication format definitions. This XSD file can then be used by JAXB to create java code that is able to read and write XML messages understood by the replication interface.
Another example is the IReplRequestHandler
whose implementors can be registered with a replication format. This way, we can allow the replication interface to answer to incoming replication messages in any way that might be required by the respective use case.
The folders of our ESB bundles are:
Note that these OSGI bundles are around for a few years and are not considered to be the conceptual state of the art.
Particularly de.metas.printing.esb.camel
turned out to be just overly complicated “dump pipe” and we plan to sooner or later replace them bundles with solutions where the respective client directly makes calls to metasfresh. Maybe that will be via JAX-RS, using CXF and our module.