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How do I add a new product?

  1. Open the window “Product”.
  2. Add new data.
  3. Fill out the field Name.

    Note: The Article number will be saved automatically according to the numbering rules which can be configured individually.

  4. Select field Article category.

    Note: The Article category can be used to control discounts and accounting of a specific article.

  5. Fill out the field Unit of Measure which defines in which unit this article is being accounted for.

    Note 1: As soon as a first note is created in which the article is being used, the unit of measure cannot be changed anymore.

    Note 2: A pricing unit can be defined without referring to the unit of measure in which the article can be priced and accounted for.

  6. The field Type of Article defines which kind of article it is.

    Option Effect
    Article Physical article, e.g., individual pieces, packaging material etc. (the usual case)
    Service Non-physical article, e.g., services
    Account Used for controlling the accounting process
    Resource Article which can only be used once in a certain period of time, e.g., machinery, employee etc.

    Note: As soon as a first note is created in which the article is being used, the unit of measure cannot be changed anymore.

  7. Field Used in warehouse defines if the article (in case Article type is set to Article) is being accounted for.
  8. Field Purchased defines if the article is available in purchasing.
  9. Field Sold defines if the article is availably for purchasing.
  10. Save.
  11. Open register “CU-TU Zuordnung”.

    Note: It is also possible to set different packaging policies for an individual article.

Where to go from here?

  1. How to define prices?
  2. How to configure articles available for purchase?
  3. How to configure a tax category for an article?
  4. How to add a translation for an article?
  5. How to define conversion rules for different units of measure?
  6. How to configure a product for production purposes?

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