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How do I change the WebUI ports for metasfresh-Docker?


In some cases, you may want to change the default ports which you use to access your metasfresh-Docker environment, e.g. if you are already running a service on your Docker host that requires port 80/TCP or 443/TCP.

Please use the following guide to change your ports for your metasfresh-Docker stack.

Change External Ports of metasfresh-Docker

  1. Modify your docker-compose.yml and assign new ports (ports: in webui section).
  2. Modify your docker-compose.yml to uncomment and assign a new URL (WEBAPI_URL= in webui section).
  3. Update your metasfresh-docker-Compose container.


On your Docker host myserver.com, you are already running a service on port 443/TCP, so you want to assign metasfresh-Docker a new port 8443/TCP through which your clients can reach the WebUI.

cd metasfresh-docker
vi ./docker-compose.yml
#change '80:80' and '443:443' to eg. '8080:80' and '8443:443' in entry 'ports:'
#of section 'webui'
#uncomment and change URL "https://myserver.com:8080" to "https://myserver.com:8443" in entry
#'WEBAPI_URL' if section 'webui'
#also uncomment the entry `environment:`

docker-compose up -d

You can now reach your metasfresh WebUI using the new URL https://myserver.com:8443.

Example WebUI entry in docker-compose.yml

  build: webui
    - webapi:webapi
    - "80:80"
    - "443:443"
  restart: always
    - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
  #uncomment and set to URL where metasfresh will be available from browsers
    - WEBAPI_URL=http://myserver.com:8443

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