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How do I run metasfresh-docker with SSL?

Installing SSL certificates

  1. If you are doing a new installation, follow this guide but do not docker-compose build yet. Instead, proceed with Step 4 of this guide.
  2. Stop your metasfresh-docker containers if they are already running.
  3. Remove your existing docker-images.
  4. Generate or acquire your SSL certificates.
  5. Place your Fullchain .pem-file and your Private Key .pem-file as fullchain.pem and privkey.pem in ./metasfresh-docker/webui/sources/certs/.
  6. Modify your ./metasfresh-docker/docker-compose.yml to reflect the new port and URL (e.g. https instead of http).
  7. Rebuild your metasfresh-docker images and start the containers.
  8. Access your SSL metasfresh-WebUI interface on port 443/TCP (default).


cd metasfresh-docker
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
cp /my/cert-storage/myfullchain.pem ./webui/sources/certs/fullchain.pem
cp /my/cert-storage/myprivatekey.pem ./webui/sources/certs/privkey.pem
vi ./docker-compose.yml #change to "https"
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

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