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Setting up development environment with intelliJ IDEA



Install git

Download and install git.

To check if the PATH is added correctly run git --version in powershell, and it should return something like this:

PS C:\Users\username> git --version
git version 2.34.1.windows.1

Clone metasfresh project

The following code will create the new folder work-metas and clone all metasfresh modules from GitHub in it:

mkdir c:/work-metas
cd C:/work-metas
git clone https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh

Install OpenJDK Java 8

Download and install JDK 8 from AdoptOpenJDK. Afterwards ensure the JAVA_HOME PATH is correct.

set JAVA_HOME path

Install node.js

Download and install node.js

Install Postgres Command Line Tools

Download and install postgresql (optimal) version 10.19 and only select Command Line Tools.

install postgres Command Line Tools

afterwards add the PATH:

set postgres path

Set up maven

Download the maven binary zip-archive. Move the extracted files into a new folder named C:/mvn.

Check with C:\mvn\bin\mvn.cmd --version if maven is correctly installed. This should return something similar to:

PS C:\Users\username> C:\mvn\bin\mvn.cmd --version
Apache Maven 3.8.4 (9b656c72d54e5bacbed989b64718c159fe39b537)
Maven home: C:\mvn
Java version: 1.8.0_312, vendor: Temurin, runtime: C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.312.7-hotspot\jre
Default locale: de_DE, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

Configure maven settings.xml file

folder and location for settings.xml

Compile the maven project

Run the following code in powershell:

$start = Date

$env:JAVA_HOME = "C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.312.7-hotspot"
$mvnSettingsFile = "C:\Users\username\.m2\settings.xml"

cd C:\work-metas\metasfresh\misc\parent-pom\
C:\mvn\bin\mvn.cmd -T 2C -DskipTests --settings $mvnSettingsFile clean install

cd C:\work-metas\metasfresh\misc\de-metas-common\
C:\mvn\bin\mvn.cmd -T 2C -DskipTests --settings $mvnSettingsFile clean install

cd C:\work-metas\metasfresh\backend\
C:\mvn\bin\mvn.cmd -T 2C -DskipTests --settings $mvnSettingsFile clean install

echo "Elapsed: "

(Date) - $start

Info: Change your JAVA_HOME and SettingsFile PATH if necessary.

This might take a while to complete. In the end the output should be like this:


Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 18
Seconds           : 34
Milliseconds      : 570
Ticks             : 11145705143
TotalDays         : 0,012900121693287
TotalHours        : 0,309602920638889
TotalMinutes      : 18,5761752383333
TotalSeconds      : 1114,5705143
TotalMilliseconds : 1114570,5143

Install Docker

Download and install Docker and follow the instructions to it set up. You may need to restart your computer.

Install JetBrains Toolbox and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

Optional download the Toolbox for additional features such as version or project management. Download and install IDEA Ultimate for additional features.

Since the Ultimate Edition provides additional features for web/spring applications, it is used in this guide. The Community Edition might work, for more information consult https://forum.metasfresh.org/t/development-environment-guide-with-intellij-and-docker-compose/1531.

Configure maven in IntelliJ IDEA

Open IntelliJ Ultimate and go to Customize -> All Settings

configure maven in IntelliJ

In Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven ensure the user settings file path is correct.

user settings file path in IntelliJ

In Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing ensure the following checkboxes are (un-)ticked: Also choose the JAVA_HOME PATH in JDK for Importer

maven import settings and JDK for importer

Open the work-metas project:

Import metasfresh in IntelliJ IDEA

Configure IntelliJ IDEA

Setup & JDK

Open the project again (see here) After opening the project IntelliJ will show multiple notifications in the bottom right corner. You should accept the following ones:

Open Project Structure with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S

choose SDK home path

add SDK for project

Open Settings with Ctrl+Alt+S

In Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing select the JDK for JDK for importer.

maven configure JDK for importer

pom files

In the Project tool window navigate to metasfresh/backend/pom.xml, right-click on the pom.xml and select Add as a Maven project.

add pom as a maven project

This step might take some time to complete and will throw an error, since we need to add these poms as well:

(In case being asked to Download pre-built shared indexes choose Always download)

Configure Services tool window

Press “4 squares” and disable Configuration -> Type

press "4squares" and change configuration

Press “plus”, choose Run configuration type and add the following:

press "plus" to add to the run configuration

In the end you should see the following Run configurations:

final run configuration

Configure docker for IntelliJ

Open settings with Ctrl+Alt+S

In Build, Execution, Deployment -> Docker press +. Then choose the option “Docker for Windows”. Afterwards you can check if the connection was successful and hit Apply.

configure docker for IntelliJ

Configure node js for IntelliJ

Open settings with Ctrl+Alt+S

In Language & Frameworks -> Node.js ensure that Node interpreter and Package Manager are the installed ones.

check paths for node.js

Press Apply and Ok

Run metasfresh from IntelliJ

Install infrastructure: postgres and rabbitMO in docker

In the Services tool window right click Infrastructure: Compose Deployment and choose run. In the end a message should indicate its success.

run Infrastructure: Compose Deployment

Infrastructure successful deployed

Info about the Docker Additional property error: Docker sometimes enables the option to use Docker Compose V2. However, this needs to be disabled.

docker compose v2 disable

Install dependencies for frontend

In the Project tool window select the file metasfresh/frontend/package.json, right click it and choose run 'npm install'.

npm install

Copy the file metasfresh\frontend\config.js.dist into metasfresh\frontend\docker\nginx.


Ask the metasfresh team for the after_import.sql file. This allows you to develop on metasfresh and create valid migration scripts. You need to run this script manually (e.g. in Datagrip).

Run configuration ‘Run SQL Migrations’

This is necessary after every git pull from master. It updates all changes to your local database.

npm install

Start metasfresh

In the Services tool window right-click the folder all local and select run. 2 Java classes and the frontend should start. This should cover the basic installation process.


View source file on GitHub.com