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Find out if an invoice candidate is invoiceable

Check the candidate

Check your invoice candidate according to the expectations described in the SQL. They should all match.

    ic.qtyordered              	-- >0
    icr.c_invoice_candidate_id	-- is NULL (=not enqueued in recompute)
    ic.processed,    			-- is N (= not invoiced)
    ic.qtytoinvoice,			-- > 0
    ic.qtytoinvoice_override,	-- NULL or > 0
    ic.netamttoinvoice,			-- > 0
    istoclear, 					-- is N
    iserror, 					-- is  Y
    DateToInvoice, 				-- is not NULL    
    invoicescheduleamtstatus 	-- contains "OK"

  FROM c_invoice_candidate ic
    JOIN ad_org o ON ic.ad_org_id = o.ad_org_id
    LEFT JOIN c_invoice_candidate_recompute icr ON icr.c_invoice_candidate_id = ic.c_invoice_candidate_id
    LEFT JOIN c_invoice_line_alloc ila ON ila.C_invoice_candidate_id = ic.C_invoice_candidate_id
    LEFT JOIN c_invoiceline il ON ila.c_invoiceline_id = il.c_invoiceline_id
    LEFT JOIN c_invoice i ON il.c_invoice_id = i.c_invoice_id

  WHERE true   
    and ic.processed = 'N'        


Process Revision

Check the process revision for the invoicing process you started for details. You can see the selection query there.

Check T_Lock

With the ad_pinstance_id from process revision you can check the t_lock table if the invoice candidate was already enqueued.

Check Async Work Package

Check if an async work package was created and if that is on error or still in progress.

Possible Solutions

Mark invoice candidate to be recomputed:

insert into c_invoice_candidate_recompute
select c_invoice_candidate_id,NULL,'3'

Error Messages

When starting Invoicing from Invoice Candidates

Has Changes

Cause: Something which is basic to the invoice candidate has changed. Most common is a price change after the candidate was created.

Troubleshoot: Using https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh-documentation/issues/223


select p_msg,* from de_metas_invoicecandidate.c_invoice_candidate_diagnose_haschanges_error_v.
 1000002: @LineNetAmt@: 0.00->700.00
1000003: @LineNetAmt@: 0.00->2800.00
1000005: @LineNetAmt@: 0.00->-175.00
1000006: @LineNetAmt@: 0.00->-232.75
Update invalid result: Updated 7 invoice candidates, 0 errors

Solution: Delete affected invoice candidates via the WebUI. They will be recreated automatically.

Alternative: Delete via SQL but then you need to run the process to recreate the ICs.

On Async WorkPackages

The two augents need to have an equal productId

Symptom: Invoice is not created

Analyse: Error in async workpackage:

Error: The two augents need to have an equal productId; firstAugent=StockQtyAndUOMQty(productId=ProductId(repoId=2006242), stockQty=5 Stk, uomQty=5 Stk); secondAugent=StockQtyAndUOMQty(productId=ProductId(repoId=2006262), stockQty=5 Stk, uomQty=5 Stk) (AdempiereException)

Explanation: The product was changed in the order after the order was completed but the old product is still in the invoice candidate.

workaround: Delete the invoice candidate. It will be automatically regenerated.

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